Will Big Tobacco Become Big Cannabis?

Cannabis could “help” Big Tobacco companies double their underlying growth. On the whole, taking into account full legalization, Big Tobacco could scoop up around 1/5 of the total share of the marijuana business by 2036.

There’s some anxiety in the cannabis industry. Many business owners think that “Big Tobacco,” which boasts large financial and agricultural resources, will step in and take over some time later.

A few months ago, vaporizers made up a greater percentage of sales as compared to dry, loose buds. This is based on the data provided by a California-based company. In January, Larry Wexler, CEO at Turning Point Brands, noted that the marijuana business was an “exciting opportunity” that he was still trying to get a better idea of.

Are you a merchant involved in the marijuana industry? Do you need marijuana dispensary funding? No worries. With a reputable …