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Promotional mailing is used to reach out to a targeted audience. You will direct the laminated mailer directly to the company or individual you are trying to reach by customizing it. This will make it easier for you because all of the information they need should already be included on the mailer, which they can use to contact you. This will also save you both money and time by not having to sort through phone calls to find out that another person has already contacted them about your product or service.

Identification Of A Brand

The main reason you would want to have a promotional mailer is branding. When you customize the information on the mailing, it will be easier for them to identify your company or service. This is very important because they may see other people promoting what you offer but maybe not as thoroughly. By having

How Data Science Improves Fintech

Both data science and fintech have taken the world by storm over the past several decades. The rise of mobile phones, apps and e-commerce has made finance and technology almost inseparable. Fintech was initially designed to help large trading firms and banks, but data science has made fintech more accessible to entrepreneurs and consumers.

Data science combines statistical analysis and programming techniques to decipher the information at hand. There are many different areas of expertise that a data scientist can hail from, but data science is now becoming its own field. Cane Bay Partners has helped encourage data science education by contributing to the University of the Virginia Islands, which has launched a minor program dedicated to the practice. The increase of data scientists in the corporate world has made financial solutions easier to come by.


Markets and businesses can be very complicated. Oftentimes the more successful a company